Category: WordPress

  • Add Custom Dashboard Widgets in WordPress.

    Add Custom Dashboard Widgets in WordPress.

    How To Add New Custom Dashboard Widgets in WordPress? There are many of new themes coming out for WordPress every day, but none of them seems to utilize this feature for providing useful information and links for client. WordPress developers should add custom dashboard widget with support information when creating custom themes for clients. these…

  • WooCommerce : Dynamic Pricing According To Quantity.

    How To Set Dynamic Pricing Of Product According To Quantity?. Dynamic Pricing may be set by setting pricing rules based on products, order totals, roles, and product categories. In this post we will set price according to product quantity. Dynamic Pricing According To Quantity Set By Two Condition” Minimum Quantity: This is the Minimum Quantity…

  • WooCommerce : Disable Repeat Purchase Of Products.

    WooCommerce :  Disable Repeat Purchase Of Products.

    Want to sell one product only once per user? Restrict User to buy a specific product only once in a lifetime from your WooCommerce site? Some times in WooCommerce products we need to stop user from buying product multiple time, that means user can buy that product only once. Depending on what kind of products…

  • Change WordPress Login Logo And Logo URL and Logo Hover Title

    Change WordPress Login Logo And Logo URL and Logo Hover Title

    How Can We Change The Login Logo And Login Logo URL And Logo Hover Title? Default login page in WordPress is https://yoursiteurl/wp-login.php It contains WordPress logo and on clicking on logo it will take you to the WordPress official site “” As shown in the screenshot below: All three default WordPress Logo ,Url And Hover…

  • WordPress Shortcode.

    WordPress Shortcode.

    Since Version 2.5 WordPress supports so called ‘Shortcodes’. Example: Shortcodes can also be used with attributes as the following example shows: Example: WordPress have some of the shortcodes by default (for example the audio one). The following shortcodes are included with WordPress: hortcodes are of both type singular and paired. We can define custom shortcodes…

  • Fetch wordpress categories.

    Fetch wordpress categories.

    Now Days WordPress is a popular blogging platform which have many inbuilt functions.For fetching wordpress categories, wordpress provide lots of inbuilt functions like get_categories(), wp_list_categories(), wp_dropdown_categories(). A. get_categories() Using This function we can fetch wordpress categories. Fetching categories in string format. <?php get_categories(style=list&hide_empty=1); ?> Fetching categories in object format. <?php $options = array(‘style’ => ‘list’,’hide_empty’…

  • Remove wordpress menu and logo from admin panel.

    Remove wordpress menu and logo from admin panel.

    Using this Simple Hook We can easily remove wordpress logo and related sub menus to wordpress logo from admin panel bar of WordPress,You Just need to do is just copy this hook and paste below code on the function.php file of your theme. Before: add_action(‘admin_bar_menu’, ‘remove_wordpress_logo’, 999); function remove_wordpress_logo( $admin_bar ) { $admin_bar->remove_node(‘wp-logo’); } After:…

  • Ajax login WordPress.

    Ajax login WordPress.

    Sometime we need to login in site without reloading the we simply use ajax for it. first we add login form in html than register a ajax path and than use jquery execute process. 1. Form Html using wp_footer hook # add ajax login form to page add_action( ‘wp_footer’, ‘CustomLoginHtml’ ); function CustomLoginHtml() {…

  • Cron Job WordPress (WP-Cron)

    Cron Job WordPress (WP-Cron)

    What Is WordPress Cron Job? WordPress Cron Job is how WordPress handles scheduling time-based tasks in WordPress.“Cron” Means the cron time-based task scheduling system which is available on UNIX systems. A WordPress CRON job is a task or action which is scheduled to run automatically at specific intervals. To simplify scheduling tasks, WordPress Cron Scheduling…