WooCommerce : Add text to the WooCommerce thank you page.

How To show Thank you massage or offers or related product or any other information on Woocomerce Thank you page?,

Woocomerce thank you page is the last impression of our site to buyer.

Your site can have a great sell, but if you please them with nice customized message that they will see after the purchase was done, more likely that they will become repeat customers.

So For attracting buyer to come again to site or for placing more order .Usually we show many offers on thank your page regarding our products for convincing user to place more orders.Offers attract buyers to go back to the website and buy again.

The first question which rise is, How to Customize the WooCommerce Thank You Page?

We can place our content using ‘woocommerce_thankyou’ hook.

Usually owner place attractive offers, or promotional content for site or may be coupons for discount etc.

function AddContentThankyou() {
  echo '<h2>Get 50% off</h2><p>Thank you for making this purchase! Come back and use coupon "<strong>GET50OFF</strong>" to receive a 50% discount on your purchase!</p>';


For loading content from any wordpress page dynamically we need to get post content and then place it is that function. we can also use shortcodes too. like related products, popular products ,sell products etc.


function AddContentThankyou() {
  $page_id = 15;
  $data= get_post( $page_id );
  echo $data->post_content;
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