Zeplin to HTML

Premium standard HTML markup

Responsive coding

Fastest turnaround times

Page speed optimization

Extended support one full year

100% confidentiality through NDA

  • Homepage $159
  • Innerpage $99
100% Money Back Guarantee

Accurate Markups

We ensure accurate pixel perfect markups to ensure no design aesthetics are lost in the process. Regardless of whether it is a simple design or complex design we will do 100% justice.

Clean Codes

Highly experienced team of experts in coding will take care of your coding providing you with clean coding with clear commenting making it easy to follow the codes.

Search Engine Semantic Markup

All the markups will use the latest search engine semantics. Highest coding standards are maintained and the codes will be totally clutter free with appropriate commenting.

Quick Customization Options

The pages delivered are widget ready for easy customization. Added to that customization is just a breeze. You will be able to make the necessary changes to the page in few simple clicks.

Google Friendly Markup

The coding follows W3C standards and it ensures easy and complete search engine parsing of pages. This enables your web pages to perform better in the search results.

Image And Files Size Optimization

The images and the files sizes are fully optimized to keep them small for fast loading. This improves user experience as well as page speed score in Google.

Responsive Coding

All the pages we slice will make use of responsive coding. This enables the pages to display correctly regardless of the size of the display and the device used. The pages will render well in desktop devices with large displays as well as hand held devices with small displays.

Dependable Support

You will enjoy 24x7 support. We will be here to respond to your concerns and queries during the markup phase and also after the completion of the markup. All the technical concerns will be addressed promptly.

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